Opportunity Threads is a worker-owned cut and sew factory based in Morganton, NC. Many of our workers are from the Guatemalan community and come from rich histories of sewing and weaving. We specialize in upcycled and sustainable production for clients from our local region and across the United States. We are members of the Carolina Textile District and are proud to be part of the flourishing, sustainable textile industry in our region.
Founding Members
Plant Managers
Sustaining Members
Customer Service
What does it mean to be worker-owned?
Worker-ownership means that if a worker stays on at Opportunity Threads they are given the opportunity to be a member in the company. They are voted in by the members of Opportunity Threads after a vetting process of 2-3 years. Ultimately the workers themselves and their families are the beneficiaries of the success and growth of this business. Your support as a client helps make this possible.